Foot & Ankle Blog

What You Need to Know About Webbed Toes

What You Need to Know About Webbed Toes

What’s one of the first things most new parents do after holding their newborn for the first time? (Besides smiling, laughing, and crying tears of joy all at once, of course?) Count their fingers and toes, of course! Well, what happens when you arrive at a number...

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Shedding Light on Plantar Wart Myths

Shedding Light on Plantar Wart Myths

Our upcoming Halloween holiday is a time full of myths, stories, and legends—often with a scary or spooky twist. At the end of the day, though, these are pretty much all a matter of fiction. Fictitious Halloween elements add to the fun and excitement of the holiday,...

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Wait … Can Your Feet Make Your Back Hurt?

Wait … Can Your Feet Make Your Back Hurt?

Indulge us for a minute while we talk a bit about a nightmare scenario for any homeowner. (Don’t worry—this all relates back to foot care. Just stick with us.) Let’s say you’ve got a lovely home. Maybe you just bought it, or maybe you’ve been living there for years....

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Easy Ways to Build Your Ankle Strength

Easy Ways to Build Your Ankle Strength

Trust us on this one: strong ankles are important. Really important. Whatever your age, your lifestyle and activity level, or your injury history may be, ankle strength should not be ignored. Everyone depends on these critical joints to help them get about their day...

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Is It Time to Ditch the Flip Flops for Good?

Is It Time to Ditch the Flip Flops for Good?

If you’re like many (if not most) people, both of the following phrases are highly likely to be true: You’ve been told that flip flops aren’t exactly good for your feet. You own at least one pair of flip flops and wear them at least occasionally. Hey, we get it. Flip...

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